To dream cost nothing, Not to dream could cost everything.
Hey!!! just found out I'm gonna be a Paw-Paw Robbie again! shout out to Brandon and Jessica. I already got dibs on It's first horse ride! This is a pic of Ryleigh-Bugs first ride. Ain't she a doll?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hey Ya'll, this is Audry, It,s just my belief, but hide and watch I'll bet they both prove to be experts in their own elements.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sorry to not be posting lately, but Element got a little cut on his hind foot, so we spent more time bonding, and less time working. He is all better now so we will be sending more out shortly, just had to pamper him for all of his efforts thus far.
Hey Okie! look at the main extrememustangmakeover home page, scroll down, that is the pic of Element that you like, guess you are not alone. Hope to see Ya'll in cowtown.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Still working on collecting at a lope, sometimes Element just wants to run. Had to argue a little today he didn't want to stand still. Probably gonna go to a rodeo today just to find new sights and sounds. Hey we got some Okie fans Thanks for the support.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
No Big Wooo-Hoooo today, worked on some in-hand and horse course stuff. Sometimes it is nice to just take things slow and re-group, also I was checking out another saddle. Hey we got another follower, Thanks Christy. Elements fan club streaches from Texas to Mississippi We love Ya'll
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
YeeeeeeHaaawwww!!!! Ian riding a wild mustang, Thanks Ian it was great to see how he would act with someone else riding him.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Waiting on the newspaper reporter and trying not to get too sweaty!!!
Hanging out at a play-day in Magnolia
Tiffany Griping at me for not doing it right. OK I got it now Thanks Tiff I Love You!!!
Tiffany schooling me on correct showmanship manners
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I just noticed how much Element looks like the Mustang Logo in this pic.
Showing a little fancy footwork, Today we practiced some in-hand, and horse course moves. Thanks a million to Pricilla for the help in us even knowing what that was.
Ok now we are current . . . stay tuned we will keep you posted. We would love to hear your comments, answer questions, or any requests.